Promising Benefits of CBD and Bone Health

CBD Miracles of Health * Products for Life CBD and Bone Growth It has been known for a number of years that CBD helps promote bone growth and prevent bone loss.  CBD is safe, essential harmless and can be of significant use for the prevention of bone loss and...
Dieters Beware!

Dieters Beware!

Quick and Easy Weight Loss…Not so Fast According to recent data (, approximately a third of the U.S. population, over 100 million Americans are on a weight-loss “diet” at any given time. Americans spend billions of dollars...

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Understanding Food Labels

Understanding how to read a food label will help keep you abreast of wise food selections for yourself and your family.  For  consumers, it breaks down to an applicable knowledge on product packaging.  Digging deeper and looking at the nitty gritty of ingredients...

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Getting Fit for Golf – Are You Ready?

Getting Fit for Golf – Are You Ready?

This time of year, amateur and professional golfers alike head outdoors to enjoy the sport.  If off-season and pre-season conditioning exercise programs have been neglected, pains, injuries and physical limitations frequently set-in. The most common...

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Believe in Yourself!  You are the Greatest!

Believe in Yourself! You are the Greatest!

Have you ever started your day with good intentions but went to bed feeling lousy and emotionally depleted? Have you ever been stuck in traffic and started feeling impatient or sensed you were about to become unglued? As humans, typical...

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Whole Body Training – Top Fitness Trend

Whole Body Training – Top Fitness Trend

The new “buzz” in the fitness industry, and number one newest trend, is Body Weight or Whole Body Training. While free weights and machines can certainly make you stronger, your physical assembly can too! Whole body exercises use an...

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